
Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Wondershare QuizCreator 4.1 Full

Wondershare QuizCreator adalah sebuah software pembuat kuis dengan menggunakan flash player .Aplikasi ini mudah digunakan dan juga menampilkan tampilan - tampilan yang menarik . Aplikasi ini memungkinkan kita bisa berinteraktif layaknya sebuah kuis pada suatu persentasi . Dari pada kita pakai powerpoint mendingan kita pakai Wondershare Quiz Creator ini karena aplikasi ini menitikfokuskan pada pembuatan kuis

Wondershare QuizCreator is a Flash Test maker that enables trainers and educators to make quizzes for online testing. You can integrate multimedia objects into your quizzes. Also, you can track the quiz results and analyze the breakdown reports with Quiz Management System (QMS).
Now QuizCreator 4.1 with greatly improved survey maker features is released!

Rapid Quiz Creation

9 question types - Quiz maker

Powerful Quiz Settings

Set quiz properties - Quiz maker
  • Security settings: Set Access Control with password and pre-set accounts to allow the access of only authorized quiz takers. Protect your quizzes with domain hosting limitation.
  • Randomization: Shuffle questions and answers in different orders to prevent quiz takers from cheating.
  • Negative points: Set negative points for questions if quiz takers do not give the right answers.
  • Branching: Branch quiz takers to different questions based on their responses to the previous questions.
  • View the Guide video >>

Pre-set and Customizable Players

Quiz player templates - Quiz maker
Grab learners' attention with professionally designed themes. Design your own themes with built-in setting features such as font sizes, Colors, Backgrounds, Sounds and Player Size for better displaying. More delicate quiz player templates can be download online.

Deliver Quizzes Everywhere

Quiz publishing  - Quiz maker
The output quizzes can be exported with following options:
  • Publish Flash quizzes to QMS (Quiz Management System).
  • Upload the published Flash quiz to Web.
  • Generate SCORM quiz package for LMS
  • Produce stand-alone EXE for CD delivery
  • Export as Word or Excel files for paper-based testing

Download SN

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